Tuesday 20 December 2011

Great christmas light display

This is cool; it looks like the house is jumping.
As the story goes, the guy that owns this house lives north of Cincinnati , Ohio .  Police were constantly being called for traffic jams and accidents in the neighborhood so they asked him to shut it down during certain hours.  Instead he started charging by car load to pay off duty police to be there.  The guy is supposedly a real computer GEEK.
Dawno nic nie pisalam a to tylko dlatego ,ze jestem strasznie zapracowana zreszta pewnie jak kazda polska kobieta przed Swietami.Praktycznie w domu tylko sypiam ,mam teraz urwanie glowy w pracy bo to czas egzaminow.Moje swiateczne dekoracje w rozsypce i nie sa takie ladne jak na video.Mam nadzieje ,ze pokaze je wkrotce a poki co podziwiajcie inspiracje swiateczne komputerowego geniusza z USA.


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